Monday, March 17, 2008

I'd like to take this chance to reply to an editor in China who left a comment asking some questions. (In the future, I would recommend anybody seeking a direct reply should leave their email addresses so that I can get back to them as soon as possible.) Here are my answers to the questions:

1. How old are you and when were you born?

I am ten years old and I was born in 1997 in Springfield, Oregon.

2. How many words can you type in a minutes now?

I can type around seventy words a minute on average, but I have gotten up to 110 words per minute.

3. How many words have you read until now? And how many words have you written?

It is impossible to calculate how many words I have read until now. I can tell you that I have read about 2000 books and I have written at least 800,000 words.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    These are nice answers.

    But, numbers of words don't reflect quality content.

    Take the number of words that our politicians generate. Then measure by 1.) interest, 2.) creativity, 3.) excitement, 4.) honesty, 5.) usefulness.

    One of your stories seems to have more of the above than 50,000 pages of political hype.

    When the reading public gets over being enthralled by your age, then maybe these pundits will start looking and find out that you have something to say.

    Thanks for your unique voice.
