Friday, July 18, 2008


This is a quote I thought about myself when I was walking with my mom and my sister:

"Family and enemies are more important than friends. Family because they love you; enemies because they might kill you."

Obviously, that's not always true.

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  1. Hi Adora,

    I had heard about you on TV, and made it to your blog. I like your writing quite a bit, and the only word I can think of is miraculous to describe the fact that you're able to write like you do at your age. I'm a teacher, and I'm always amazed by gifted children.

    As for the quote, it's funny and true, two qualities that make for a great quote. This is the first post I've read of yours but plan to read some more.

  2. Hi Adora,
    We met this last summer at NECC in Washington, DC. I was amazed by you at the Promethean booth and continue to follow you with such admiration. You signed your book for me, Flying Fingers. I absolutely love it. Thanks!
    I am a teacher of the gifted and truly respect your talent. Continue to bless us with your writings. They are both informative and entertaining.

