Monday, January 18, 2010


Usually I post a reminder if I’m about to go to a conference, but I got a little absent-minded—sorry about that! Over the past week, I’ve been in Orlando for the Florida Education Technology Conference. I’ve gotten the chance to see speakers like Tammy Worcester, Ed Begley, and Scott Kinney. I gave my own “Eye-Opening Keynote” on Friday morning, bright and early at 7:45 AM. Ken Royal, Tech Editor for Scholastic Administrator Magazine and founder of the Educators’ Royal Treatment blog, was kind enough to introduce me and later conduct an interview—watch below. Thanks!

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1 comment:

  1. OMG, I was visiting Wesh 2 News's website when I read about you. To be a teacher is - wow. Then to also be an author of THREE books is amazing! That's an incredible accomplishment! Congratulations!

