Monday, March 29, 2010

Video Conference with Students in Wyoming

On March 29th, 2010, twelve-year-old author and teacher Adora Svitak video conferenced with seventh graders at Dubois Elementary/Middle School to talk about blogging. When asked what she thought of Adora, student Kaitlin said that she was “amazed by her technology abilities.” 

In addition to discussing topics for blog posts, Adora asked students what made going to school in Wyoming unique. The answer: Hunters’ Ed. In addition, these lucky students get to camp at Yellowstone National Park for a week, visiting a ranger’s station and going to Montana. These students are a close-knit bunch; many know each other from kindergarten. Students also take one semester of tech and one semester of shop, and take part in track (the higher elevation makes them work more). 


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM


  2. Have you ever thought of doing a short seminar for Teachers? I am a case manager for troubled teens at a High school with high drop out rates in rural montana. How to motivate struggling teens in ideas, brainstorms, inspirations for teachers. Ever thought of doing a few hours of inservice inspiration for our struggling teachers?

  3. Adora,
    I'm a second grade teacher in West Virginia, and I am so happy to have stumbled upon you and your blog! I originally watched your video on TED and was amazed at your confidence and public speaking abilities, let alone your speech writing skills.

    I loved the idea of learning from the kids. I was wondering what you wish your teachers would have done for you at an early age to further push you and your peers? What advice would you, as a child, give to me, as a teacher? I think it would be really interesting to hear!

    Thanks. :)

  4. Dear Adora,
    My name is Eagle 23 and I am in Ms.Cahusac's class. She says that she has been having a conversation with you by email. Did Ms.Cahusac tell you about the Gr.5 China Trip? You know where your mom comes from ? Well that is where the China Trip is going. Guess what I am on it! Anyway I can't wait to Skype with you.
    Eagle 23
    PS. please visit my blog at and leave comments. My email is
