Friday, November 11, 2005

Book Club Idea

I think it would be really cool to have a book club---we could all recommend books, read them, and then write book reviews and post them on the blog. I would definitely recommend The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, all the Harry Potter books (I'm sure everyone has read those), the Redwall series by Brian Jacque, Napoleon by Albert Marren (he wrote a lot of other biographies, but my favorite is Napoleon), the books by Tamora Pierce, books by Jane Yolen, Cricket, Cobblestone, and Cicada magazines. Those are magazines, but they're very good and it would be cool to read them. I also like to read books stuffed with legends and myths, so you might want to read Mythology, a book I bought from Costco. If you want to recommend any books you can just go to my blog and put it on comments.

I will be on Northwest Cable News and Komo4 News next week, and I'll appear on Kiro7 Eyewitness News in about a week in a half. If you wish to know the exact time please email me.

Hope you all the best!


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