Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Weird Thought

I just realized that I always think of the sun as masculine and the moon as feminine, for no real reason. It's sort of the same with ages -- I think of one as masculine, two as feminine, three as neutral, four as masculine, five as feminine, six as feminine, seven as masculine, eight as neutral, nine as neutral, ten as feminine, eleven as masculine, and so on in no particular sort of pattern. Maybe it's becuase I know more girl people who are two or five or six or ten or whatever. My sister is ten, my classmate is ten. I'll be ten soon. Actually, to be more exact, two years. But I've been one year old, I've been four years old, I've been seven years old. I think it might be the sound of the number which makes me think of them of masculine or feminine, but I'm not sure. Oh well. I suppose I'll leave this mystery to rest.


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    This blog is interesting - about ages having genders, and the sun and moon as well. I just wanted to add that when I was little (I am 50 now), I thought that dogs were male and cats were female.
