Thursday, July 12, 2007

[Typed up from journal]

We just went swimming. More off topic, here are my thoughts on Washington's education system:

Washington State needs higher standards. We are in the lower middle as standards go, meaning many of our students get an easy way out of learning.

We pay for technology yet we hardly ever use it. Some schools have plenty of desktop computers, etc., and yet there are no classes in Internet research skills, until maybe higher grades, by which time a lot of a kid's enthusiasm and flexibility is gone.

We should introduce history, art, and music to classes. Not just cutout art--learning shading, pastel, etc., from an artist, and learning art history. We should also have music history, not just singalongs.

Lastly, improve school food. The current cafeteria is an often unhygienic and dreaded place. Greasy pizza doesn't stimulate the brain as much as...whole wheat bread. Instead of French Fries, how about chickpeas?

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1 comment:

  1. I am an inventor and a scientist. My invention is Puppetools--that is, play language. My science is the science of play and, more specifically, puppet play.

    You can read my new definitions of play and education on my web site.

    I have invented a way for schools to re-invent themselves. Some people would think that I am nuts. But what is nuts is that schools deprive kids of play--which is nature's learning playground.

    Play is the birthright of all children, and it is being denied children and teachers who should know how to teach and communicate playfully. Without that skill and artfulness, teachers make learning routine, rigid and cold.

    If you are interested, I would be happy to give you and some of your friends a free pass to visit and explore my web site.

