Monday, December 10, 2007

Pictures from Viet Nam


Our hotel, the Hotel Majestic (which I would recommend). They left us a chocolate and a Vietnamese legend on the bed everyday.


Me and Miss Viet Nam (you know, the world beauty pageant competition)



Me with (what else) a bouquet of flowers.


Me eating buffet breakfast on the hotel's balcony restaurant in the muggy Vietnamese weather, portrayed against the busy (and no doubt polluted) river.


Me on the set of Talk Vietnam (talk show)


Boat children living in the impoverished area of Viet Nam. I took more than six pictures here. It is shocking to see the sharp contrast of the shacks on stilts here and the high-rises beyond them. Unfortunately, the lens was not big enough to capture this, so you'll have to come to Viet Nam yourself. 


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  1. Hi Adora,
    I'm from Vietnam. I just 'met' you by chance on Talk Vietnam show. You impressed me much by the way you talked and inspired. Thanks for visiting Vietnam. Now I start to read and learn to write as you. You must have an interesting life through reading & writing.

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Hi ado! I saw U on VietNam'TV, so imaging talking! I like the way U talk! I love kid (like U ^_^) and love English (I'm VietNamese) I also love reading but just picture book! ^_^ have a nice day!

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    by the way! do U have a Yahoo360 blog? I just use to used that! ~.~

  4. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Nice to meet ADORA! the first time I know U that a watch-night time when I were watching Talk VietNam show (i'm Vietnamese).ADORA!!! what's your email or nick yahoo address.Have U got yahoo 360 blog ? I want to make friend with U...MEET U SOON !

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Hi Adora! I'm Vietnamese! Nice to meet you! I'm not a good writer but I think I can write well enough for everyone to read. Do you have a Yahoo360 Blog? Add my blog. I hope that we will be friends.
    Have a nice weekend!
