Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Journalistic-Style Article written with Whitney Young High School students in Chicago

On Tuesday, February the 3rd, Adora Svitak visited Whitney M. Young Magnet School in Chicago, Illinois, to talk about writing and publishing.

The presentation utilized an Activboard from Promethean, accompanied by Activexpressions (a voting system which allows students to vote, text in in answers, etc.) The Expression technology immediately collects results from students.

When polled, the majority of students believed that the presentation was inspiring, motivational, innovative, interesting, and educational. However, they didn't all immediately turn into scholars; when asked about their plans for action/publication, they jokingly responded that they would like to sit around watching TV. Adora said, "I read on your school's website that you have a...100% graduation rate. I guess they'll have to take out the thirty percent of you that responded [couch] potato." She added, "I'm glad they still have a sense of humor!"

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  1. Adora,

    Have you received my comment on your Adora Book Club blog??


  2. Haha, I liked the third person commentary on this post.

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Hey Adora! Your were awesome at my school! I just wanted to say sorry on behalf of my fellow students at Whitney Young. Some of us were being quite immature, and I just hope you don't think all of us are like that! Keep up the good work!! :)

    p.s.-I wrote a poem about cow poop! haha. ;)

  4. Dear Adora,

    Your so inspiring! I'm your age too, and I think you write some pretty interesting things. I think your a good role model for all.



  5. I'm glad to hear about your creation, it's great to publish books at your age. I wish all children in this world are like you.. Reading is fun.. :)

    Best regards..
