Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Poem Written with Videoconferencing Students in Pennsylvania

Here's a poem I wrote with videoconferencing students in Pennsylvania. I'd like to thank Carol, who pointed out that I originally spelled Pennsylvania incorrectly.

The poem below was inspired by the Plato quote (yes, they were smart kids to choose Plato!) "It is a common saying, and in everybody's mouth, that life is but a sojourn."


Life is a journey
On a very bumpy road
There's nature--trees and flowers
Rushing rivers and deer
Exploring, sometimes with fear.

Your guide is very trusty
(Made up of your dreams)
You may try new things along the way
Such as elephant polo
And a food like yogo.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Hi Adora,

    This's a great poem. Thought I would drop a note, it's spelled "Pennsylvania," you're missing an "n."


  2. That's the first time i visit your blog, Adora. I am proud of you, i am a diplomat, i am vietnamese, we'll be friends! Good luck, Adora!
    My name is Phu phong

  3. Hi Adora,
    This is a great poem! I really enjoyed reading it.
