Thursday, February 25, 2010

Video Conference with Fort Wayne, Indiana

Today I video conferenced with an enthusiastic bunch of sixth graders in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The presentation was on Personal Narrative. During Questions and Answers, one student asked, "Will you write on your blog about us?" I took a poll of the class to see who liked the idea (it was pretty unanimous) and so, here you go!

The presentation went smoothly, and I was glad to see that the students had an answer ready for pretty much every question I asked. Definitely the class learned a lot, and they worked hard. Great job!

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  1. LaQondra4:03 PM

    Hi this is LaQondra! I was one of those sixth graders! I was the one who said an obstacle was a fire. Also I said, that I had to choose between McDonalds Or Subway, and I chose McDonalds! You are a very magnificent person, and one day I would want to do the things you do!You are very inspirational, and I wish the best for you! (By the way nice house!){and fridge!} LOL!

  2. You are a very inspirational young person! Perhaps you could videoconference with my seniors in Multicultural Literature class. I'm completing a master's degree in educational technology so I attempt to introduce new methods of using technology in my classroom regularly. From one teacher to another, would you be interested?

    Teresa Richards
    Granite Hills High School
    El Cajon, CA (close to San Diego)

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Dear Adora....
    My name is Aron and I am introducing blogs to my Grade 7s. We looked at edublog's top ten list and found you! Very impressive. I love the fact that you share your learning with other classes around the country. I think we saw you on youtube one day when I was using a video to help communicate an idea about literacy. Do you have a link to other youtube videos?

  4. Hi LaQondra, thank you for the lovely comment! I really enjoyed video conferencing with your class.

    To Teresa: I really appreciate the offer! I would be happy to set up something with your class. You can go to (Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration) to find all of my video conferencing programs--just search Adora. You can request and schedule one of my programs on CILC.

    To Aron: Thanks for asking! Yes, I have a Youtube channel: Check it out!

  5. Wow! this is cool. I was wondering if you could share more of the pictures because I would like to propose the set up to my boss though. The points in this blog is really helpful, especially now that I am working on our website.
