Thursday, May 28, 2009

Poem Written with Video Conferencing Students

I do not like walking my dog
It is a chore of a horrible jog,
For in pooping, he's quite precocious
And often can get ferocious;

The poop smelled like a baby's diaper
That hadn't been changed in months
I was in a coma from the stink
Of those odoriferous fecal lumps.

My dog has a habit of biting
At the leash, as though fighting,
As he pulls away, I fly in the air
Then land with a thump on my hair

My dog does not like walking with me
For he's always trying to run
He'd get out of the state if he could
My dog is just no fun.

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1 comment:

  1. hi adora
    good luck
    please comment on my blog
